

Sunday Gatherings- 10:30AM Worship Gathering

The latest at Christ Covenant Church

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Ever Wonder Why?

by: Corey Miller



Have you ever had a question so hard you wouldn’t even say it out loud? Or a doubt so big you didn’t feel like you could share it—especially at church? Maybe it’s time to ask the tough questions together in the series, Ever Wonder Why? This Fall we will partner with Craig Groeschel and the generous folks at Life Church to wrestle with some of those doubts  you and people you love don't always feel like you can talk about. 

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The Gift of Christmas Worship

by: Corey Miller




Special Christmas WorshipYou are invited to the following special gatherings this holiday season at Christ Covenant. Remember, these events are For EveryONE!12/24  5:30pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service12/25  DIY Family Service at Home          - NO SERVICES 01/01 @ BUILDING01/01  10:00am New Years Day Brunch Worship12/25  DIY FAMILY SERVICE @ HomeMerry Christmas! This morning we invite you and yours to pause for a brief time of worship, for ...
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Patsy's Amazing Journey

by: Corey Miller



"To be in rhythm with Jesus you must be on mission with Jesus. This is my mission." Patsy Dupree.

To celebrate God's gift of 91 birthdays I want to gather my family, my friends, my church family and my community together to take a walk in Klein park. Saturday morning December 3 at 9:00 we will walk in the park to celebrate life in community and to support the youth and community outreach programs at my church, Christ Covenant. Everyone is welcome to join us and while the ev

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Time for Some Vacation

by: Corey Miller



If everything went as planned, as you read this Julie and I are somewhere between Nashville and Knoxville, TN. Summer's not quite over and our kids were finally somewhat available, so we are on our way to spend a week together. It's our first time together since Dad's funeral in February where this picture was taken. As a father, I can not begin to express how much it means that my kids want to spend a week with Julie and I. Julie, I understand, but me? It's truly an honor

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Alexia's Appreciation

by: Corey Miller



How amazing is Alexia? Let me tell you. Little suprises me in a church service anymore, but Alexia did. This courageous woman came to Christ Covenant for the very first time on Sunday, and she came with a heart filled with gratitude. She loathes speaking in front of large crowds, which we were Sunday. She only knew a handful of our people, but she had something she wanted to say. She swallowed her fear, pride, and anything else holding her back and wanted to be heard. She

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Tasting for Some Other Place

by: Corey Miller



Do you like to eat? Do you like to eat good food at a good price? Do you like to eat good food at a good price for a good cause? If so, you will love the Tasting for Some Other Place. Teresa has tickets and is still recruiting a few workers to help serve Cokes. Follow the link to their Facebook for more information.

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They Said YES!

by: Corey Miller



"They said YES!" Few things make us more excited than to hear the good news shared by these words. Whether she says yes to the dress or he says yes to her proposal, few things make the heart pump like news of a public declaration of love and commitment. What can be better than that? How about when that yes is to Jesus as Lord and Savior? How about two such proclamations? Two Sundays ago we witnessed just that. When Haiden and Alex  said yes to Jesus, we celebrated. Click h

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Why Wait For Sunday?

by: Corey Miller



It's Friday, but Sunday's coming! "It's Friday and I can't wait for this week to end. It's Friday and before long the weekend will be in full swing and I can't wait. I can't wait to chill. I can't wait to see my spouse and let her/him have their turn with the kids. It's Friday and I can't wait to sleep-in, get-out, etc." Sometimes it seems like Loverboy nailed it when they made millions reminding us Everybody's Working for the Weekend. Well we are almost there. Hopefully y

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Shepherds' Response

by: Jacob Pfaff



As someone who has worked closely with Lindy for her time as the youth and family minister and someone who understands when God opens doors that shouldn’t open as easy as they do, you have to walk through them. As church leadership, we have known for months that this was a possibility coming. While this is not something we wanted, we also understand it. Lindy truly believes in this generation of youth and what better way to show them God’s love than to

be in the trenches w

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Lindy's Letter of Resignation

by: Lindy Charles



Today I need to share some difficult and exciting news. I have accepted a teaching position at Henderson Middle School in Sour Lake for this fall.  As most if not all of you know, I like to consider myself what the teenagers call a “Girl Boss.” Which simply means someone who can do it all.  Alas, that is not reality and so as I become a first-year teacher, I will also be stepping down from my position here at Christ Covenant. Please hear this part:  I will NOT be stepping

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Decisions. Decisions. Decisions

by: Corey Miller



If you missed yesterday, you missed alot. Three decisions were shared that will have eternal impact. The first two shared were by Haiden Fenter, the tallest guy in the Tanglewood picture (don't sweat it Jake, it's likely an optical illusion), and Alex Anderson, the young woman pictured directly in front of Lindy, both shared their decisions to follow Jesus and shared those decisions with the church Sunday. We will share their baptism videos and pictures in the days to come

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