Time for Some Vacation


Sunday Gatherings- 10:30AM Worship Gathering

by: Corey Miller



If everything went as planned, as you read this Julie and I are somewhere between Nashville and Knoxville, TN. Summer's not quite over and our kids were finally somewhat available, so we are on our way to spend a week together. It's our first time together since Dad's funeral in February where this picture was taken. As a father, I can not begin to express how much it means that my kids want to spend a week with Julie and I. Julie, I understand, but me? It's truly an honor. Honestly, every time they Facetime, Call or Text, I'm grateful for every sylable and second of their time. It seems our God views his children the same way. Today you may finish your to do list, maybe even doing a few things that have been on their since the Obama Administration, but know your most important time of this day will be the time you honor your Heavenly Father by simply sitting and sharing time with him.

BTW, thank you so much for the time away. As a mentor once told me, "The church needs a vacation from the preacher even more than the preacher needs vacation from the church." One thing he meant by that is that when a preacher goes on vacation they make room for others to serve in their place. Thank you to all of you who will serve in my place this week. A special thanks goes out to Lindy who will be stepping back into the pulpit this week and will be sharing about some of the time she spent with our students this summer as well as sharing about her calling to the public schools.

Well enjoy your vacation church! We get back Sunday night so your break won't last long.

Blog comments will be sent to the moderator

If everything went as planned, as you read this Julie and I are somewhere between Nashville and Knoxville, TN. Summer's not quite over and our kids were finally somewhat available, so we are on our way to spend a week together. It's our first time together since Dad's funeral in February where this picture was taken. As a father, I can not begin to express how much it means that my kids want to spend a week with Julie and I. Julie, I understand, but me? It's truly an honor. Honestly, every time they Facetime, Call or Text, I'm grateful for every sylable and second of their time. It seems our God views his children the same way. Today you may finish your to do list, maybe even doing a few things that have been on their since the Obama Administration, but know your most important time of this day will be the time you honor your Heavenly Father by simply sitting and sharing time with him.

BTW, thank you so much for the time away. As a mentor once told me, "The church needs a vacation from the preacher even more than the preacher needs vacation from the church." One thing he meant by that is that when a preacher goes on vacation they make room for others to serve in their place. Thank you to all of you who will serve in my place this week. A special thanks goes out to Lindy who will be stepping back into the pulpit this week and will be sharing about some of the time she spent with our students this summer as well as sharing about her calling to the public schools.

Well enjoy your vacation church! We get back Sunday night so your break won't last long.

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